The Four Pillars of Mission

Pillar 1
Eucharistic Encounter
A Eucharistic Missionary engages in regular encounters with Jesus in the Eucharist through a weekly holy hour and, where possible, one weekday Mass in addition to their Sunday obligation. They offer up this additional Mass for ongoing Eucharistic Revival in the United States.

St. Charles de Foucauld and Venerable Fulton Sheen are beautiful examples of how Eucharistic Holy Hours empower evangelization.

Pillar 2
Eucharistic Identity
A Eucharistic Missionary continually forms their identity in Jesus Christ through ongoing spiritual formation, education, and service to their parish and community, especially those on the peripheries. The National Eucharistic Congress provides resources and formation materials for Eucharistic Missionaries. This formation includes an annual period prior to the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

St. Mary Magdalene and Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez exemplify how a deep Eucharistic identity inspires profound missionary zeal and service to others.

Pillar 3
Eucharistic Life
A Eucharistic Missionary is grounded in their family, neighborhood, and parish and is both nourished by this community and a contributor to this community. They form intentional relationships with those closest to them, stepping out of themselves to truly love their neighbors.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton are powerful examples of how putting the Eucharist at the center of your life leads to personal transformation and fuels mission.

Pillar 4
Eucharistic Mission
A Eucharistic Missionary desires to give what they have been given by Jesus. This Eucharistic Mission is sustained by periods of fasting and almsgiving, and is lived out explicitly by a Eucharistic Missionary walking with one person in his or her journey of faith.

The legacies of St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini exemplify how a profound devotion to the Eucharist drives a life committed to evangelization and selfless service.