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Encounter the Reality of Our Eucharistic Lord

The Revival is a grassroots movement of Catholics, each responding to the gift of the Eucharist in their own way. This page is home to free educational and inspirational content to help you learn more about the reality of Jesus in the Eucharist and fall more deeply in love with him. We will expand this section as more resources become available.

Free Video Content

Explore Eucharistic Teaching

Learn what the Church teaches about this precious gift and why it is pivotal to your spiritual journey. Browse our free library of videos on the Eucharist for information and inspiration!

Altar during Mass

Small Group Study

Jesus and the Eucharist

This 7-session study series will unveil the beauty of our Eucharistic faith and invite you to discover the true power and promise of this incredible gift. Connect with your fellow parishioners in a cozy small group setting as you hear from some of the most brilliant voices in Catholicism.

A bishop sitting at a desk, speaking directly to the viewer

Free Course by Bishop Cozzens

Learn How to Embrace the Gift of the Eucharist

Bishop Andrew Cozzens presents the incredible reality of the Real Presence, unpacks “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church” as published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and invites you to respond to this radical gift. Discover practical ways you can spread a love for the Eucharist in your community!

Revive Podcast

Eucharistic Revival Podcast

Revive with Fr. Agustino Torres

Revive is the official podcast of the National Eucharistic Revivaland an OSV Podcasts partner, featuring enculturated and bilingual content for young Millennials and GenZ. Join Fr. Agustino Torres, C.F.R.—along with professional actress by day, youth minister by night Solanyi Rodriguez—for honest conversations about some of the biggest Catholic conundrums and catechesis fails. Together we explore how to right-size, recommit to, and revive our understanding of the Mass and relationship with Jesus.

More Resources

A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

Corpus Christi Novena (English)

As the Solemnity of Corpus Christi approaches, join Catholics across the country in a solemn novena June 2-10th, 2023. Please remember the upcoming Eucharistic Revival in your prayers as our nation prepares to answer God’s invitation!

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A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

Corpus Christi Novena (Spanish)

As the Solemnity of Corpus Christi approaches, join Catholics across the country in a solemn novena June 2-10th, 2023. Please remember the upcoming Eucharistic Revival in your prayers as our nation prepares to answer God’s invitation!

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A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (English)

Download the 2021 USCCB document on the Eucharist, the doctrinal source text for the Eucharistic Revival. Then, follow along with the free video course above from Bishop Cozzens to explore its contents in more depth.

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A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (Spanish)

Download the 2021 USCCB document on the Eucharist, the doctrinal source text for the Eucharistic Revival.

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A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (Vietnamese)

Download the 2021 USCCB document on the Eucharist, the doctrinal source text for the Eucharistic Revival.

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A priest elevates a Eucharistic monstrance while he blesses people

What is the Eucharist?

Browse this helpful page for answers to common questions about eucharistic teaching, biblical sources for the Eucharist, free podcast episodes, and a deep dive into the Eucharistic Prayer at the heart of our liturgy.

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Where to Start?

The best way to kickstart your own journey of Eucharistic Revival is with the Spark Series—nine days of prayer, reflection, and spiritual challenges delivered straight to your inbox. Join thousands of fellow Catholics in opening your heart to the renewal God desires!

Quote marks

The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union with Jesus Christ. Indeed, the Lord said: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” (Jn 6:56)

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1391