“Revival: A Lenten Devotional for Eucharistic Renewal,” is a series of simple, daily reflections that will help Catholics rekindle a living relationship with Jesus by reflecting on their relationship with the Lord, the Eucharist, and our missionary call to share the love of God with our neighbors.
Revival is a sovereign act of God in response to the prevailing prayers of his people. Today, you are invited to join a team of spiritual advocates fervently interceding on behalf of the National Eucharistic Revival. Thousands of passionate Catholics have already signed up! Help us cover the whole movement in prayer, fasting, and penance.
When you become a Prayer Partner, you commit to spiritually supporting this movement in the following ways:
In addition to your regular prayer life, set aside extra time to pray for the National Eucharistic Revival. Intercede for the movement by offering Masses, Rosaries, novenas—however you like to bring your intentions before the Lord. Deepen your relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament by making time to soak in his presence in Eucharistic adoration outside of regular Mass times.
Prayer Partners gather virtually each month to pray as a group for the National Eucharistic Revival. Together, we call down graces upon this movement and open ourselves to any prophetic words the Holy Spirit may have to share with our Church, discerning the voice of the Lord for this movement. This online prayer group is both an opportunity and a commitment. Please attend as often as you can!
Before Jesus began his ministry, he committed himself to prayer and fasting for 40 days. Moses also spent 40 days without food or water as a plea for mercy on behalf of his people who had turned away from the Lord. From Daniel in the Old Testament to Paul in the New, fasting accompanies powerful prayer throughout the Bible. We invite you to join us in this powerful spiritual practice as we anticipate the amazing things God is about to do in our Church and our world.
Fasting does not have to mean abstaining from food! This deeply personal practice is a choice to abstain from something that is meaningful to us as an act of penance—offering the discomfort for the greater glory of God. This could mean limiting food, pleasures, entertainment, or other luxuries. Please do what you can, but be vigilant that you aren’t endangering your health!
Your prayers make a real impact in the lives of Catholics across the country. As the Revival spreads, Parish Point Persons are reporting exciting new growth in their parishes and rekindled devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist. And God is just getting started!
“We have a box at the back of the church for folks to insert prayer intentions for their children and grandchildren to return to Christ in the Eucharist. They are using it! Three parents/grandparents have agreed to give testimonies this coming weekend. I believe this ministry will see some lost sheep drawn gently back to his marvelous light.”
– Desiree, Diocese of Scranton
“We've had two nights of adoration, one in July and one in August. There were more people at the second night. And the atmosphere was different, more attentive, quiet and prayerful. We offered Reconciliation at both nights and there were more people in line than the first night.”
– Mary, Diocese of San Diego
“Twelve people have signed up for RCIA which begins this week. This is double from last year.”
– Mary Ann, Diocese of Thunder Bay
“Our parish had their first Eucharistic procession this year on the feast of Corpus Christi. There was a bit of confusion because the parish had never had one before, but for the first one it was a great start!”
– Katy, Diocese Of Saginaw