Dynamic Eucharistic Preachers are visiting dioceses across the U.S.

Send forth your spirit, and you shall renew the face of the earth!

The National Eucharistic Preachers are a diverse group of priests who have been commissioned to enkindle the flame of eucharistic faith and devotion in the United States through kerygmatic eucharistic preaching.

What is Kerygmatic Eucharistic preaching?

Kerygma is a Greek word meaning “proclamation.” The kerygma of the Early Church was a bold introduction to the story of salvation in simple, accessible language. The first Christian preachers presented God not as a doctrine, concept, or theory, but as a Person who desires an intimate relationship with each one of us.

This approach shares witness testimony about the character of God and invites the listener into an encounter with him. When people hear the Gospel message presented in this way, they meet the Person of Jesus for the first time, often leading to profound conversion! In other words, the kerygmatic proclamation evangelizes before it catechizes for a deeper transformation.

Passionate preaching has been at the heart of every great revival in Church History. From apostolic times, the Eucharist has been the constant source of kerygmatic proclamation, predating even the New Testament. This preaching always flows from and returns to the Eucharist, where we encounter Christ most intimately.

As these National Eucharistic Preachers travel through our nation fostering Eucharistic Revival, please keep them in your prayers! Come Holy Spirit!

Eucharistic Preachers

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Fr. Timothy Anastos headshot

Fr. Timothy Anastos

Archdiocese of Chicago
Fr. James Brent, O.P. headshot

Fr. James Brent, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Joseph)
Fr. Patrick Briscoe, O.P. headshot

Fr. Patrick Briscoe, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Joseph)
Fr. Rafael Capó headshot

Fr. Rafael Capó

Fr. Gustavo Castillo headshot

Fr. Gustavo Castillo

Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Fr. Andy Davy, M.I.C. headshot

Fr. Andy Davy, M.I.C.

Marians of the Immaculate Conception
Fr. Frank DeSiano, C.S.P. headshot

Fr. Frank DeSiano, C.S.P.

Paulist Fathers
Fr. Manuel Dorantes headshot

Fr. Manuel Dorantes

Archdiocese of Chicago
Fr. Luke Ferris headshot

Fr. Luke Ferris

Diocese of Green Bay
Fr. Elvis Gonzalez headshot

Fr. Elvis Gonzalez

Archdiocese of Miami
Fr. Doug Grandon headshot

Fr. Doug Grandon

Archdiocese of Denver
Fr. Samuel Hakeem, O.P. headshot

Fr. Samuel Hakeem, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Albert the Great)
Fr. Stephen Hayes, O.P. headshot

Fr. Stephen Hayes, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Joseph)
Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. headshot

Fr. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Joseph)
Fr. Joseph Jean-Louis headshot

Fr. Joseph Jean-Louis

Archdiocese of Miami
Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, O.P. headshot

Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, O.P.

Dominicans (Province of St. Joseph)
Fr. Roger Landry headshot

Fr. Roger Landry

Diocese of Fall River
Fr. Joseph Laramie, S.J. headshot

Fr. Joseph Laramie, S.J.

Jesuits (Central and Southern Province)
Fr. Pedro Lopez headshot

Fr. Pedro Lopez

Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Fr. Alejandro Lopez-Cardinale headshot

Fr. Alejandro Lopez-Cardinale

Archdiocese of Boston
Fr. Jonathan Meyer headshot

Fr. Jonathan Meyer

Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Fr. Linh Nguyen headshot

Fr. Linh Nguyen

Diocese of Fort Worth
Fr. Binh Nguyen headshot

Fr. Binh Nguyen

Society of the Divine Word
Fr. Leo Patalinghug headshot

Fr. Leo Patalinghug

Voluntas Dei Institute
Fr. Ryan Rojo headshot

Fr. Ryan Rojo

diocese of San Angelo
Fr. Paul Shelton, S.J. headshot

Fr. Paul Shelton, S.J.

Jesuits (Midwest Province)
Fr. Luke Spannagel headshot

Fr. Luke Spannagel

Diocese of Peoria
Fr. Craig Vasek headshot

Fr. Craig Vasek

Diocese of Crookston


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