Resources for Ministry Leaders

Where to Start?

Building Your Unique Revival Blueprint

The Eucharistic Revival is not a program to download or formula to follow. Instead, Our Lord is inviting you to follow his lead, meeting the unique needs of your community in the way that best fits the culture and character of your people. That’s what makes this movement grassroots

The ideas and materials to follow are meant to spark your imagination and creativity, not restrain them! Jesus wants you to bring your God-given gifts and talents and perspectives to this mission—your whole self. 

Three lit votive candles

Become a Parish Point Person

Some of the most profound transformation springing from the National Eucharistic Revival will take place at the local level, manifesting in renewed zeal in the hearts of parishioners. In order to embrace this, each pastor is invited to appoint a Parish Point Person who will assist the parish throughout the Year of Parish Revival. This responsibility includes leading the small group initiative. The goal of this ministry is to fan sparks of Eucharistic faith into flame! Get involved at the link below.

Sign Up
Parish Point Person

Leader’s Playbook: Year 1

The Leader’s Playbook is your springboard to brainstorm creative, effective, and practical initiatives tailored to the needs of your ministry. Supercharge your contribution to the Diocesan Year of the Revival and lay the foundation for a fruitful Year of Parish Revival with this resource.


Plan Your Response with the Four Pillars

Use the four pillars of the Revival as a prism for your discernment and local events in other cities for inspiration. We can’t wait to see how God works through you for the sanctification of your community!

Personal Encounters


No one who approaches their creator leaves unchanged. Create space for the faithful to gather in a moment of encounter with Our Lord. The Holy Spirit uses the energy created through gathering in a group as a way to usher new movements and transformations in our Church.

Reinvigorating Worship

Love Him

How we worship matters. Emphasize reverence in the liturgy and elevate the practice of Eucharistic devotions, prioritizing an increase in opportunities for adoration and both parish and diocesan Eucharistic processions. This provides a public witness while strengthening the faith and unity of Catholics in your community.

Deepening Formation

Seek Him

July 17-21, 2024

With more than 50% of Catholics not knowing the Church’s doctrine on the Real Presence, a bold clarity in the true teaching of the Church is necessary to bring understanding. Pursue robust formation through spiritual reading, educational events, and study groups. The more intimately we know Our Lord, the better we can love him, serve him, and bring other people to know him!

Missionary Sending

Serve Him

True love overflows into action! Mobilize those who already know and believe the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence to reach out to those in need and accompany those who are searching for more. Remember that this is Our Lord’s work. We are simply his instruments.


Resources for Parishes

Do This in Remembrance of Me: A Step-by-Step Walk Through the Mass

Why is the Mass so important? Why do we stand, sit, and kneel at specific times during the Mass? Where did the prayers we say at Mass come from? When does Jesus actually become present in his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity? How do I pray better at Mass? In this series of 82 blog posts, Fr. Luke Spannagel walks us through the Mass answering these and many other questions about the Mass. This is great, ready-made liturgical catechesis content for your bulletin!

Encounters Night Guide [Spanish]

With a suggested template for a special holy hour for Revival, a list of liturgical items needed, and prayers, this guide is your detailed roadmap to plan and lead transformative evenings of Eucharistic adoration that resonate deeply with your congregation. Available in English and Spanish.


Encounter Night Guide [English]

With a suggested template for a special holy hour for Revival, a list of liturgical items needed, and prayers, this guide is your detailed roadmap to plan and lead transformative evenings of Eucharistic adoration that resonate deeply with your congregation. Available in English and Spanish.

Prayer Resources

Spark Series [VIETNAMESE]

This nine day prayer reflection is now available in Vietnamese. The daily reflections are designed to create time to pause from our busy lives and recall the goodness of God.

National Eucharistic Revival Hymn: "Let the Earth Acclaim"

“Let the Earth Acclaim” was written by Kathleen Pluth. This versatile piece of music can be set to a variety of melodies. With this in mind, several different versions of this score are available, all downloadable for free. Choose whichever fits best with the character of your parish!

National Eucharistic Revival Theme Song: "We Do Believe, O Lord"

“We Do Believe, O Lord” is a new Eucharistic hymn by Diane Mahoney. The piece has been named the theme song for the Revival movement and is appropriate to be sung at Mass, adoration, and any other gathering of Catholics where music might be used.

Playbook for Schools

This Playbook for Schools, organized into four invitations for school administrators and teachers, offers recommendations for Eucharistic Revival in Catholic School communities. Schools can use this manual to strengthen Eucharistic culture and share the gift of the Eucharist anew.

The Real Presence

What does it mean when Catholics talk about the Real Presence in the Eucharist? Where does this belief come from? How does it affect us today? Catholic Central presents the answers to these important questions in this fantastic educational video.

What Really Happens in Eucharistic Adoration

In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz from Ascension Presents gives us a peek behind the veil, revealing the stunning reality of what is actually happening during Eucharistic adoration.

What is the Eucharist?

Catholic Kids Media presents a fun reflection for kids based on the readings for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Cycle B). Going all the way back to Genesis, kids are invited to discover why the Body and Blood of Jesus are important and what this Holy Meal means for their salvation.

The Veil Removed

This stunning short film reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture, and taught by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Eucharist for Kids

These videos will help your child(ren) discover why we go to Mass and what it means to say we believe Christ is fully present in the Eucharist, Body Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

The Disciples Doubted the Eucharist. Do You?

“This saying is hard; who can accept it?” (John 6:60) In this engaging video, Fr. Mike Schmitz from Ascension Presents challenges us to take Jesus at his word, diving into the scriptural basis for our belief in the Eucharist.

Promoting the Belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

Pflaum has collected Eucharist quotes, reflections, videos, and articles to share with your students, families, and parishes.

Praying the Mass by EQ Saints

This resource by EQ Saints offers a detailed guide for teaching the Liturgy of the Eucharist and what the Mass reveals about Jesus Christ in both his humanity and his divinity. Click below for the guide, and download the accompanying participant handout here.

Living the Gift of Sunday

Sunday is a gift to us. A gift that is meant to be LIVED. This book—commissioned and designed by Archbishop Listecki of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee—contains 10 weeks of reflections on Sunday and suggestions on how to live out this great gift in our everyday lives.

Motivation to Go to Mass by Fr. Mike Schmitz and Ascension Presents

Why aren’t people motivated to go to Mass? In this video from Ascension Presents, Fr. Mike Schmitz gets to the practical—and painfully direct—heart of the matter. He points out that the Mass isn’t about us; it’s about God.

Living the Eucharist by Ignacio Rey Nores, SJ

Ignacio Rey Nores, SJ of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Uruguay) invites us to consider the Eucharist in a new way in this beautiful reflection.

Jesus, the Bread of Life

This activity from Our Sunday Visitor encourages kids to express ways in which Jesus, the Bread of Life, nourishes them. This is a great way for kids to explore and discuss how Jesus is active in their lives through illustration.

Litany of the Holy Eucharist

Litanies have a rich history within the prayer tradition of the Catholic Church. Download the Litany of the Holy Eucharist in this easy-to-read document in call/response format.

Let’s Play Mass

Have you ever wondered what all those pretty things are up at the altar at Mass or what the priest is even using them for? In this video from Juice Box, Fr. Tim teaches us what those gifts are as we play Mass with a Pop-Out Mass Kit.

Jesus Didn’t Literally Mean to Eat His Body...Did He?

This resource from CatholicLink features a collection of catechetical tools curated by Garrett Johnson, including a video presentation and ways to grow in Eucharistic devotion as well as links to other resources.

Eucharistic Miracles Website by Blessed Carlos Acutis

Blessed Carlo Acutis designed a website cataloging the Eucharistic Miracles of the World. While people of all ages will be encouraged by what they read, middle and high school students will be especially inspired to interact with this site created by a teen just like them!

I Am Here—Reflections and Prayers on the Eucharist

Inspired by the Eucharistic Revival, the Archdiocese of Detroit and Hallow have created this beautiful website where you can find powerful stories of personal encounter with Jesus and audio meditations designed to guide you through Eucharistic adoration.

Inviting Children to Encounter Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist by Sarah Runko

In this piece, Sarah Runko explores children’s innate ability to grasp the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and introduces parents and catechists to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd methodology for teaching the truths of our faith.

How (and Why) to Bring Kids to Eucharistic Adoration

Your children DO belong in church! In this heartfelt article, Sara Estabrooks shares the struggles and joys of bringing young children to Eucharistic adoration. She also offers tips for parents who desire to begin this practice as a family.

Heartbroken to Healed—All Because of the Eucharist

In this article from Life Teen, Annie Velasco shares a powerful testimony of finding healing and joy through an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist at a conference for Catholic teens.

Eucharistic Banner Craft

Catechist Magazine shares a fun craft idea to help First Communicants celebrate their special day by creating a beautiful banner that proclaims, “I am receiving Jesus!”

Guidelines for Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass

The Archdiocese of New York Liturgy Office has created a helpful PDF listing the guidelines for worshiping the Eucharist outside of Mass, including Eucharistic exposition, processions, and healing prayer services.

Four Ways to Foster a Child’s Love for the Eucharist

Bobby Angel shares four practical and effective ways to help children grow in love for the Eucharist in this article from CatholicLink.

Eucharistic Revival Video Library

The Eucharistic Revival team has curated a collection of Eucharistic-themed videos, including documentaries, small group studies, videos for kids, and videos in Spanish.

Eucharist and Social Mission

This article by Salt and Light presents the writings of popes St. Paul VI, St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis, focusing on the personal and social natures of the Eucharist.

Deepening Understanding of the Eucharist

Loyola Press has compiled a list of wonderful resources to catechize children on the meaning of the Eucharist. This mini-library includes activities and lesson plans for kids as well as articles and prayers for adults, too!

Encounters with Jesus – Tips for Children, Youth, and Adults

Author and catechist Mary Lou Rosien has compiled a list of fifty unique ways to help people of all ages encounter Jesus. These ideas have been shared by both kids and teens, teachers and catechists, as well as lay people and religious.

Does It Last? A Timely Lesson Plan on the Eucharist

Young Catholics has created a Eucharist-themed lesson plan for middle and high school students. The lesson plan includes a fun game, a Scripture reading, and discussion questions.

Consumed: The Sacrament of the Eucharist

This resource from Life Teen provides an outline for a “Life Night,” an interactive time of catechesis for both teens and their families. The night includes games and activities as well as small group discussion questions, focusing on the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Catholic faith.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

This article shares an inspiring idea from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on how to teach children about the Mass and the Catholic faith based on a fun, hands-on approach to learning.

7 Tips for Teens to Get the Most Out of Mass

Eric Groth shares seven simple and practical tips to help teens engage more deeply with the Mass and experience heaven on earth.

3 Minute Retreat: You are What You Eat

This 3-minute Retreat from Loyola Press offers a reflection by Barbara Wheeler on how the Living Bread of Jesus in the Eucharist fuels us to help meet others’ needs, both physically and spiritually. This resource is also available in Spanish!

Adoration Playlist for Catholic Youth and Young Adults

This YouTube playlist was created for youth and young adults to enhance their prayer during Eucharistic adoration. It includes several Eucharistic hymns as well as modern (but meditative) praise and worship songs.

Bringing Children to the Holy Table

In this Revival blog post, Dr. Zachary Keith presents a convincing case for not only bringing your children to Mass but also helping them understand and participate in it. Parents of young children will find encouragement as well as helpful tips for praying the Mass as a family.

Ministry Support

Jesus and the Eucharist: A Small Group Series for Eucharistic Revival

Jesus and the Eucharist is a 7-session study created specifically to be used during the National Eucharistic Revival in parishes across the nation. This series features an impressive array of Catholic voices, including bishops, theologians, and influential figures in the Church today.

Prayer Resources

General Intercessions [SPANISH]

Wanting to include prayers for Revival in the General Intercessions at your parish? Look no further than this helpful document! This resource offers sample General Intercessions in Spanish.

Prayer Resources

General Intercessions [ENGLISH]

Wanting to include prayers for Revival in the General Intercessions at your parish? Look no further than this helpful document! This resource offers sample General Intercessions in English.

Ministry Support

A Liturgical Preparation Aid for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions has prepared a liturgical aid to help us celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Download this helpful resource today!

Ministry Support

Leader’s Playbook for the Year of Parish Revival

Supercharge your local Revival response with this essential resource! The Leader’s Playbook is your springboard into the Year of Parish Revival, providing concrete steps you can take to answer each of the four invitations at the heart of this movement.

Event Materials

Nights of Mercy

During the season of Advent and Lent, Catholic communities customarily offer expanded opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance. During the National Eucharistic Revival, communities are encouraged to incorporate Eucharistic adoration as well, inspired by the tradition of “Nights of Mercy.”

Ministry Support

Program in Priestly Renewal: Eucharistic Revival

The McGrath Institute for Church Life invites you to explore this resource, developed to support clergy and encourage participation in the National Eucharistic Revival. This resource features a series of videos on the Eucharistic spirituality of priests and reviving a Eucharistic culture.

Ministry Support

National Eucharistic Revival Bulletin Features

Invite your parishioners to get involved with the Revival with an eye-catching bulletin feature! Click below to download files in a variety of sizes, available in both English and Spanish.

Ministry Support

Leader’s Playbook: Year 1

The Year of Diocesan Revival (Year 1) was all about equipping and unleashing those already on fire with love for Our Lord in the Eucharist, while building a foundation for the Lord to work in the Year of Parish Revival (Year 2). Download the Year 1 Leader’s Playbook here.

Prayer Resources

Source and Summit Booklet Template & Music for Eucharistic Processions

Fill out a quick form to receive a collection of hymns and antiphons specially curated for use in Eucharistic processions along with customizable booklet templates.

Event Materials

Knights of Columbus Resources

In support of the Eucharistic Revival movement, the Knights are collecting free resources that will challenge you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist and equip you to share the life-changing truth about this gift with others.

Prayer Resources

Holy Hour Against Racism

Jesus offers himself on the Cross and in the Eucharist to fulfill his Father’s will that we become one human family, free of all division and strife. Gather your parish community for a Holy Hour Against Racism with this downloadable resource that includes prayers, readings, a litany, and the service of Benediction.


Revival Starts at Home

We encourage parish leaders, volunteers, and small groups to journey through our free content with the goal of deepening your faith and preparing your hearts to be instruments of his grace throughout the Revival.

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