“Revival: A Lenten Devotional for Eucharistic Renewal,” is a series of simple, daily reflections that will help Catholics rekindle a living relationship with Jesus by reflecting on their relationship with the Lord, the Eucharist, and our missionary call to share the love of God with our neighbors.
This Eucharistic Prayer Companion is designed to help you spend thirty minutes to an hour in meditation and silent prayer with Jesus during Eucharistic adoration. Even if you cannot be physically present in a church or adoration chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, you can unite yourself spiritually to Jesus in the Eucharist as you spend this time in prayer.
THE GRACE I SEEK: to recognize the love Jesus has for me so I can learn to love others
Pause for a few moments, and allow yourself to become aware of Jesus’ gift of himself in the Eucharist. Realize that, at this very moment, the Lord of Life is gazing upon you with great love. Allow yourself to receive his loving gaze. You are his beloved child. Rest in his loving gaze.
Thank Jesus for the gift of himself in the Eucharist.
ASK FOR THE GRACE: Jesus, help me to recognize your love for me and to remain in that love.
Read slowly, 3–4 times. Allow the words of Scripture to wash over your mind and heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through this passage.
“In days to come, the mount of the LORD’s house shall be established as the highest mountain; it shall be raised above the hills, and peoples shall stream to it... He shall judge between many peoples and set terms for strong and distant nations; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again.” (Micah 4:1, 3)
Allow yourself to sit with these questions for a while, being attentive to how the Lord is speaking in your heart.
Our God is a God who keeps his promises. We are told in Micah that, in the future, the mount of the Lord’s house will be established as the highest mountain; nations will turn instruments of war into the peaceful tools of daily life. However, it can be hard to see and trust this in a world torn by war and conflict. Do you trust in the depths of your heart that our loving God will keep this promise? Talk to Jesus about any struggles or doubts, and ask him how he wants to increase your trust in his love.
Read slowly, 3–4 times. Again, allow the words of Scripture to wash over your mind and heart. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you in a personal way through this passage.
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” (John 15:9–12)
In the Gospels, we are given the key to true peace: love. Jesus Christ assures us that he loves us as the Father loves him—totally, completely, eternally. This love becomes the basis of our love for each other. Often our lack of love for others stems from our own belief that we are not truly loved, or even that we are not loveable. What areas of your heart feel as if they are not loved? With patience and compassion for your own wounds, gradually show these to Jesus. Ask him to reveal to you how he wants to love you precisely there. Consider journaling this dialogue.
Remain in silence with the Lord. Allow him to speak in the silence, in your heart. Receive his presence. If it helps, write down what you sense the Lord communicating to you during this time of prayer.
O God, merciful and strong, who crush wars and cast down the proud, be pleased to banish violence swiftly from our midst and to wipe away all tears, so that we may all truly deserve to be called your children. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect, Mass in Time of War or Civil Disturbance)
At every Mass, Jesus offers himself to the Father for us. We can always join our own offerings with Jesus at Mass. This Sunday, offer your desire to love others as Jesus loves you, confident that individual acts of love lead to lasting and universal peace.
Knowing that we are loved by Jesus and living from that place of love can truly change our lives. This love overflows into our homes, workplaces, churches, and countries—and it is contagious. Consider making one concrete, deliberate act of love each day this week. Think of those in your life whom you may struggle to love or who may need a little more love right now. Writing a note of gratitude, giving a compliment, making a surprise phone call, etc., are all great options—be creative! Ask Jesus to guide you in your discernment.
Would you like to print a copy of this resource to bring with you to the chapel for prayer? Click here to download the Eucharistic Meditation for Peace in English or Spanish.