“Revival: A Lenten Devotional for Eucharistic Renewal,” is a series of simple, daily reflections that will help Catholics rekindle a living relationship with Jesus by reflecting on their relationship with the Lord, the Eucharist, and our missionary call to share the love of God with our neighbors.
To help pave the way to the National Eucharistic Congress July 17–21, 2024, we are thrilled to present the American Eucharistic Witnesses. These are holy men and women who lived, loved, and served on the very soil upon which we now stand. They all testify—in unique and powerful ways—to what it means to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and go on mission with him for the life of the world.
Each month from now through July 2024, we will feature a new witness. Old and young, men and women, representing different cultural families and vocations, these witnesses show us—in living color—what holiness looks like. We are also thrilled to partner with American artist Connor Miller, who is creating an original woodcut print of each witness to help us visually engage with this creative new series.
Katie Bogner is on board to help the young people in our lives be inspired by these witnesses. Each month, she’ll have a new printable booklet that follows a consistent design across the series. Children can collect the booklets throughout the year. As we approach the Congress in July 2024, Katie will have a bridge activity that will help connect all the American Eucharistic Witnesses together.
Download the biography of Michelle Duppong for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Michelle Duppong by Colleen Schena so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Antonio Inija for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Antonio Inija by Reverend W. C. Paysse so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Marianne Cope for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Marianne Cope by Sr. Alicia Damien Lau so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Fulton Sheen for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Fulton Sheen by Msgr. Philip D. Halfacre so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Catholic writer Flannery O’Connor for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Flannery O’Connor by Fr. Damian Ference so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Servant of God Julia Greeley for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Julia Greeley by Fr. Blaine Burkey so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Blessed Carlos Manuel Cecilio for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Blessed Carlos Manuel Cecilio by Fr. Jose Gabriel Corazón-López so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Charlene Richard for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Charlene Richard by Colleen Schena so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Servant of God Dorothy Day for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Dorothy Day by Renee Darline Roden so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Blessed Stanley Rother for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Blessed Stanley Rother by María Ruiz Scaperlanda so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton by Tom Hoopes so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the biography of Fr. Augustus Tolton for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Fr. Augustus Tolton by Bishop Joseph Perry so you are ready to help the young ones engage with these resources.
Download the Cardinal George Biography for younger children [English | Spanish] or for older children [English | Spanish] today!
Adults, make sure you read the essay on Cardinal George by Michael Heinlein so you are ready to help the young ones engage with this creative new series.