“Revival: A Lenten Devotional for Eucharistic Renewal,” is a series of simple, daily reflections that will help Catholics rekindle a living relationship with Jesus by reflecting on their relationship with the Lord, the Eucharist, and our missionary call to share the love of God with our neighbors.
Bishop Gregory Mansour, a Catholic Bishop of the Maronite Rite, wrote a letter to his Eparchy (similar to a Roman Catholic diocese) giving several recommendations on how to increase in love for the Eucharist during the Eucharistic Revival. He has given permission for us to adapt his themes for the broader Church. We are very grateful to Bishop Gregory for his pastoral leadership. Here are his recommendations for us all to grow in love and devotion for the Eucharist:
1. Properly prepare for the celebration of the Eucharist, including a deep reflection on the readings, preparation of the music, observance of the one-hour fast before receiving Holy Communion, proper thanksgiving after receiving Holy Communion, the appropriate dignity due to the Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist, and careful observance of the ritual itself, abiding by the canonical and liturgical norms of the Church.
2. We should examine our consciences before receiving Communion, taking full advantage of the ordinary ways that we can live in closer union with Christ, i.e., confession, spiritual reading, spiritual direction, retreats, daily Rosary, scripture readings, and other devotions of the Church.
3. Discern the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, as all Catholic and Orthodox Christians have done over the ages, and live this reverence appropriately with respect for our Lord’s abiding presence with us.
4. Pray and work for Church unity, especially praying that the Holy Father, and his Petrine ministry, may bring all Christians closer in the Eucharist.
5. Spend some quiet time outside of the Holy Mass, visiting and adoring the Lord, hidden and present there, wherever the Eucharist is reserved.
6. Foster Eucharistic adoration at least once a month for vocations and for the needs of the Church and the world, and properly prepare for and celebrate the nine-day Christmas Novena with renewed reverence and respect for the Eucharistic Lord present with us at the altar.
7. Honor the Church, see its work as an extension of the Eucharistic call to service, see its sufferings and anxieties as a participation in the sufferings of Christ, and live moral and ethical lives consistent with the teachings of the Church and the Eucharist we share.
These are just some of the many different things that you can do to grow in your love for the Eucharist. Pray with these points and discern how the Lord is inviting you to apply them to your life and ministry in the Church.